World Wetlands Day - February 2
Thu Feb 2nd

World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day, each year on February 2nd, commemorates the founding of the Convention on Wetlands and raises concerns about the world's vanishing wetlands.

The Wetlands are a distinct ecosystem that is flooded by water, either permanently or seasonally. Examples of wetlands include swamps, lagoons, coral reefs, and saltmarshes. The vegetation of aquatic plants makes wetlands different from other landforms or water bodies. Both aquatic and land animals are also found in Wetlands. On every continent, with the exception of Antarctica.

Wetlands play a vital role in the world's climate, including:: Wetlands play a vital role in the world's ecosystem.

  • Wave action is protecting our shores off our shores
  • Flooding is reducing the impact of floods, according to Reducing the impact of floods
  • Absorbing pollutants
  • Improving water quality is improving. Improving water quality is also improving. Improving water quality is also improving
  • Provides habitat for animals and plants
  • Land and water are a vital link in providing an important link
  • More than a billion people depend on wetlands for a living
  • In wetlands, up to 40% of the world's species live and breed

Sadly, wetlands around the world are disappearing. In fact, wetlands are disappearing three times faster than forests, three times faster than forests. About 35% of the world's wetlands were lost between 1970 and 2015. Wetlands are outlawed for a variety of reasons. These include climate change, urbanization, and population increases. Pollution, unsustainable use, and invasive plants also threaten the survival of wetlands.

Despite the importance of wetlands, policymakers, and decision makers, many policymakers and decision makers undervalue wetlands. The world needs to be educating on the vital importance of this biodiverse ecosystem. Wetlands cover a larger area than Greenland. Of all the wetlands, the world protects only 13 to 18 percent of them.

How to celebrate #worldwetlandsday

Many environmentalists and conservation organizations hold events to highlight the importance of preserving and protecting the wetlands. Since 2015, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands has hosted a Wetlands Youth Photo Contest, promoting young people's participation in the day.

To participate:

  • Learn more about wetlands and their importance. Learn more about them
  • The Everglades in Florida, Carmargue, France, and Wasur National Park in New Guinea are among the world's best wetlands, including the Everglades in Florida, Carmargue, France, and Wasur National Park in New Guinea
  • Donate to conservation organizations, such as The Wetlands Initiative, The Wetlands Initiative, Donate to conservation organizations, such as The Wetlands Initiative
  • wetlands must be preserved and protected, so we'll discuss with others what can be done to preserve and protect the wetlands
  • For more details, visit the World Wetlands Day website for more details. For more details, visit the World Wetlands Day website

Be sure to invite someone to join you as you're celebrating. On social media, use the hashtag #WorldWetlandsDay to share your story.

The world wetlands day is the first day of world wetlands day history

A small group of environmentalists in Ramsar adopted the Convention of Wetlands on February 2nd, 1971. This Iranian city is located on the shores of the Caspian Sea. The Ramsar Convention is also known as the international deal. The international deal is also known as the Ramsar Convention. Many years ago, in 1997, World Wetlands Day was established. Over 100 countries participate in activities held on this day. Today, over 100 countries take part in activities held on this day.

The most recent themes include::

  • Wetlands and Biodiversity, 2020: Wetlands and Biodiversity, Wetlands and Biodiversity
  • Wetlands and Climate Change in 2019: Wetlands and Climate Change, Wetlands and Climate Change
  • Wetlands for a Sustainable Urban Future in 2018: Wetlands for a Sustainable Urban Future
  • 2017: Wetlands for Disaster Risk Reduction, 2017: Wetlands for Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Wetlands for Our Future: Sustainable Livelihoods in 2016