World Soil Day - December 5
Tue Dec 5th

World Soil Day

Healthy soil is emphasized each year on December 5th, World Soil Day (WSD) highlights the importance of having healthy soil. It's also a day to advocate for the sustainable management of soil resources.

Soil degradation is one of the most significant environmental issues. Degradation occurs when soil health is declining as a result of improper use or poor oversight. Most Americans are familiar with the Great Depression. Dust storms were a common occurrence. These massive dust storms were caused by soil erosion. Farmers in this region learned their lesson over the years. They began to practice better soil management. However, there are already concerns about soil health, which is unfortunate. The soil is eroding at a rapid rate around the world. Every 5 seconds, the equivalent of one soccer field of soil erosion, the equivalent of one soccer field of soil erodes. If soil erosion persists, the earth will no longer be fertile. Global food sources and food safety will be jeopardized in turn.

When soil is lost, it takes years to restore. It takes up to 1,000 years to grow just 2 to 3 inches of soil. By 2050, it is estimated that up to 90% of the world's land will have been degraded. The situation is dire, which means there is no time to waste when it comes to saving our soil.

How to celebrate #worldsoilday

Every year the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) encourages youth and adults around the world to participate in a challenge to care for the soil. A recent challenge involved signing a pledge card, planting a seed, photographing it, and posting it on social media. The best photos from FAO's social media pages are shared. In addition, the King Bhumibol World Soil Day Award (WSDA) is given to the individual or group that has produced the best soil day activity or campaign on this day. The Glinka World Soil Prize is another award that is given out each year. This one goes to an individual who is dedicated to solving the world's soil degradation epidemic.

Here are a few ways you can participate: Here are some ways you can participate: Here are a few ways you can participate: Here are some ways you can participate:

  • Learn about the benefits of soil health and how it influences our future. Learn more about the benefits of soil health and how it influences our future
  • Watch videos and documentaries about soil, including DIRT! A Historical Perspective on the Soil Erosion, Living Soil, Symphony of the Soil, and Soil Erosion: A Historical Perspective. The Movie, Living Soil, Symphony of the Soil, and Soil Erosion: A Historical Perspective
  • Commit to protecting the soil in your neighborhood by composting, planting cover crops, and constructing terraces to prevent soil erosion
  • #WorldSoilDay is a hashtag on social media. #WorldSoilDay is a hashtag on social media. #WorldSoilDay is a hashtag on social media. #WorldSoilDay is a hashtag on social media

History of the world soil day has a long history

The International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), a member of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), in 2002, suggested an international day to honor soil. The FAO approved the establishment of WSD under the leadership of the Kingdom of Thailand. The FAO Conference officially supported WSD in 2013. The UN General Assembly officially designated December 5th as World Soil Day in December 2013, honoring the late H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej's birthday. He was the King of Thailand and one of the leading proponents of the campaign.

The following are the most recent World Soil Day themes include::

  • 2019: Stop soil erosion. Save our future by saving our money
  • 2018: Be the answer to soil erosion
  • 2017: Caring for the planet begins from the ground
  • Soils & Pulses: Soils & Pulses, 2016: Soils & Pulses: Symbiosis for Life
  • Healthy soils for a happy life in 2015