World Reef Awareness Day | June 1
Thu Jun 1st

World Reef Awareness Day

Consumer, companies, and organizations should take action on the fragile ecosystem of our ocean's coral reefs on June 1st, as a call to action for consumers, businesses, and organizations. The day brings together the general public, influencers, and opinion leaders to inspire active change through education and engagement.


Coral reefs are living communities of colonial organisms made of individual polyps that excrete a bone-like skeleton. This skeleton is made up of large rock-like structures that are home to thousands of organisms. This skeleton is a skeleton that is home to thousands of species of insects.

The wellbeing of a reef tells us a lot about the ocean's health. Many fish and ocean animals depend on the safety of a healthy, living reef for spawning season. In addition, the reef provides more than cover; it also supplies a thriving food chain. The reef ecosystem is a vital life support system, from plankton and algae to the largest sea creatures.

A healthy reef can reap the health benefits of a healthy reef

A healthy reef ecosystem provides many benefits far beyond the ocean. Coral reefs are: The coral reefs are:

  • Plant and fish life are both essential to the plant and fish life
  • A burgeoning fishing industry contributes to a burgeoning fishing industry
  • Beaches and coastlines are protected from erosion by erosion
  • The oceans filter as the oceans filter, and the oceans filter as the oceans filter
  • Life-saving drugs and life-saving drugs are available in the United States
  • Plastic consumption is likely to be the only animal on the planet capable of eating plastic, possibly the only one species on the planet capable of eating plastic

Our most coral reefs have been in decline in recent years due to coral bleaching. For example, the Great Barrier Reef in South Africa has decreased by 40%. It's even worse along the Florida Keys and Caribbean. Their decline is between 85 percent and 99 percent! According to Dr. Craig Downs, Executive Director of Haereticus Environmental Lab, 90 percent of the coral reefs in the Caribbean have disappeared since 1980.

Causes of die-off

What causes coral reefs to die off?

  • Sea temperatures are on the rise
  • Industrial pollution, plastic pollution, and sewage discharge discharges are all typical of industrial pollution, plastic pollution, and sewage treatment
  • chemical sunscreens are among the chemical sunscreens and sunglasses
  • Coral reefs are all in danger, including unmanaged, high-density tourism

We can take one simple measure to safeguard these precious resources by wearing non-nano zinc oxide sunscreen.

"When ingredients are uncoated and nano-size (less than 100 nanometers in diameter), they can penetrate the cells of invertebrates and fish, causing tissue damage," Dr. Craig Downs stresses, "both these marine organisms are prone to tissue damage." The best bet is to opt for non-nano zinc oxide larger than 150 nanometers. At that point, acute toxicity fades off, and the effects on ecosystems are minimized."

How to celebrate world reef day by observing world reef day

On World Reef Day, educate yourself and spread the word about how we can make simple choices today to save our reefs for tomorrow. While you're researching the benefits of reefs, you should also share your findings. Use reef-safe sunscreen when heading to the beach. Reducing or eliminating single-use plastic from your diet is another simple way to safeguard the reefs. And, finally, raise concerns about the importance of the reef eco-system. Join the movement by using these World Reef Day resources.

  • Join the World Reef Day tile and suggested caption by posting the World Reef Day tile and a brief description. To get off, download the World Reef Day toolkit
  • To post on social media, use #WorldReefDay to post on social media
  • for more details. For more details, visit For more details, visit For more details, visit For more details, visit www.worldreefdayorg

Raw Elements USA on Vimeo. World Reef Day 2019 from Raw Elements USA on Vimeo.

The world reef awareness day is the first in history

On June 1st, Raw Elements founded World Reef Awareness Day to alert the world of the importance of our reefs and how we can protect them.

For general inquiries, please email [email protected] and for media inquiries, please contact [email protected] [email protected].

About raw elements

On June 1st, Raw Elements USA, a non-nano zinc oxide-based sunscreens manufacturer that has pioneered the reef-safe movement, established World Reef Awareness Day in support of its emphasis on sustainability, responsibility, and education.

Raw Elements was born on the day to inform the world about the importance of our reefs and how we can protect them. Raw Elements' largest educational program to date, according to World Reef Day. The campaign is in accordance with its current awareness campaigns. These campaigns include partnerships with Aqua-Aston Hospitality, Hawaiian Airlines, Marriott, and the Shore Hotel, their sponsorship of grassroots campaigns of charities and environmental groups, support for the Safe Sunscreen Alliance, and advocacy for the Sunscreen Ban Bill in Hawaii (which was signed into law in July 2018).