World Prematurity Day - November 17
Fri Nov 17th

World Prematurity Day

Every year on November 17th, World Prematurity Day raises concerns about premature births for their families.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 15 million babies are born preterm. According to this, one in ten babies is born too early. At less than 37 weeks gestation, a baby is considered premature. The number of preterm babies continues to rise. India, China, Nigeria, Pakistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, and the United States are among the countries with the largest preterm births. Premature births are raising questions because these babies have an elevated risk of injury. Some of the most common disorders and health problems include cerebral palsy, developmental delay, asthma, hearing loss, vision impairment, intestinal disorders, and recurrent infections.

Other babies are at risk of death. Due to complications related to a premature birth, one million babies die each year. Premature birth is the leading cause of child death among children under the age of 5. Half of these babies die as a result of a lack of cost-effective care and a lack of primary care for infections and respiratory difficulties in low-income countries. Most babies born in high-income countries, who were born or after 32 weeks, almost always survive.

Helping babies live

Premature babies are tiny, and their organs are often underdeveloped. Baby Saybie is the world's tiniest premature baby to live. She was born at 23 weeks and weighed just 8.6 ounces. Doctors told her parents that she only had hours to live. She was released from the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in San Diego, California, five months later.

Preemies who receive intensive health care in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) have a dramatic increase in the likelihood of surviving. In addition, antibiotics and steroids to fight infections are also needed. In addition, the mother's skin to skin contact with her baby for several minutes a day provides many benefits to the tiny baby.

#worldprematurityday is a worldwide phenomenon that has influenced #worldprematurityday

Every year, an increasing number of countries observe this holiday. Public art installations, public health screenings, legislative hearings, marches, and conferences are among the events that include public art installations, public health consultations, legislative hearings, marches, and conferences.

To participate:

  • (NICU) Reach out to a mother with a premature baby in the United States
  • To help raise funds, Go purple to help raise awareness. Wear purple, light up your office purple, or light a purple candle
  • Volunteer at your local Ronald McDonald House, where many parents of premature babies stay when their preemies are in the NICU
  • Knit preemie hats for babies who are in the NICU
  • Take the Kangaroo Mother Care Challenge
  • Learn about famous preemies such as Stevie Wonder, Sir Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, and Johannes Kepler

If you had a premature baby, please share your experience on social media. Use #WorldPrematurityDay when doing so.

In history has a long tradition of world prematurity day

In 2008, European parent companies established the first international awareness day for preterm birth. On November 17th, 2011, the organizations commemorated the first official World Prematurity Day.