World Milk Day - June 1
Thu Jun 1st

World Milk Day


On World Milk Day, real milk takes the spotlight, but not on June 1. The day is designed to bring attention to activities relating to the dairy industry.

Around the world, milking demonstrations and farm visits; games and tournaments; concerts; and export of milk products; and conferences, seminars, and information sharing are all typical.

More than a billion people's lives are supported by the dairy industry.

More than six billion people worldwide consume dairy products, making it a $413.8 billion industry.

China is the fastest-growing dairy market in the world, with China being the fastest-growing dairy market. Argentina, Europe, the United States, New Zealand, Australia, and Argentina are the key dairy-producing countries.

However, drinking milk in the United States has been on the decline since about 2000. More than half of the dairy products regulated by the USDA in the 1980s were beverage milk. That had decreased to 36% by 2015 by the time of 2015, down to 33 percent. According to market watchers, the annual decrease in the demand for ready-to-eat cereals is the cause of the downturn. (Source: American Farm Bureau)

How to observe

To learn more about the day, visit to learn more about it.

On World Milk Day, use the hashtags #WorldMilkDay, #RaiseAGlass, and #RaiseAGlass to be part of the trending trend on World Milk Day.

Look for local dairy products in your area and take advantage of specials.


The United Nations selected June 1 as World Milk Day in 2001 to highlight the essential contributions of the dairy industry to growth, economic growth, livelihoods, and nutrition.