World Letter Writing Day - September 1
Fri Sep 1st

World Letter Writing Day

Every year on September 1st, World Letter Writing Day encourages people around the world to pick up a pen, grab a piece of paper, and write a letter. It's also a day to learn about letter writing.

It's almost unheard of to sit down and write a letter in this digital age of text and e-mail. However, there are legitimate reasons not to abandon letter-writing entirely, according to study.

Here are some good reasons to write a letter: Here are some good reasons to write a letter: Here are some good reasons to write a letter.

  • It's a thoughtful way to connect with those you love
  • For years to come, the receiver will treasure your letter
  • People who write letters of gratitude are happier and more content with life
  • It's a great way to improve a friendship, marriage, or other meaningful relationship
  • It can help someone better understand their perspective or position on a particular topic
  • This old friends and relatives will adore this simple method of contact
  • It's a great way to show off your penmanship skills if you have beautiful handwriting

One more reason to write a letter rather than a text or e-mail is that it requires you to really think about what you're writing. We hurriedly send texts and e-mails without really considering the consequences our words have on the receiver. You are encouraged to be more cautious with the words you choose with a handwritten letter.

If you've never written a letter, all you need to know is the parts it should include. The date, a greeting, the body, a closing, and your signature are among the various parts of this series.

How to track #worldletterwritingday

Writing a letter to someone is the best way to commemorate this day. It could be a friend or relative who lives miles away or someone you have lost touch with over time. The recipient of your letter may be your spouse, a parent, or even your best friend. Other ways to participate include:: Here are some other ways to participate:

  • Learn the correct way to write a handwritten letter
  • Teach someone how to write a handwritten letter
  • "Letter from Birmingham Jail," Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "Letter from Birmingham Jail" was one of many research letters that changed the course of history
  • Take a calligraphy course
  • Editors Lisa Grunwald, Stephen J. Adler, editors. Letters of the Century: America 1900-1999 by editors Lisa Grunwald, Stephen J. Adler, Jr. Adler, Jr
  • Dear Dragon: A Pen Pal Story, Ten Thank-You Letters, and Dear Teacher are all books about letter writing that should be read by your child

With #WorldLetterWritingDay or #WLWD, you can also post this day on social media. #WorldLetterWritingDay or #WLWDWD is also posted on social media.

History is documented on a global letter writing day

In 2014, Richard Simpkin founded World Letter Writing Day, which was founded by Richard Simpkin. Simpkin wrote letters to those he considered to be an Australian hero in the late 1990s. He became ecstatic when these legends replied by letter. Simpkin's book, "Australian Legends," was published in 2005. He began writing letters because of his excitement over the letters that made the project possible. Simpkin conducts letter writing workshops in schools and encourages adults to take a break from social media and write a letter to help foster letter writing.