World Food Day - October 16
Mon Oct 16th

World Food Day

Every year on October 16th, World Food Day is celebrated. More than 150 countries banded together on this day to raise concerns of poverty and hunger.

According to World Hunger Statistics, 785 million people around the world do not have enough food to sustain a healthy lifestyle. About one in nine people in the world has been killed, according to the number. Surprisingly, the majority of hungry people live in developing countries. Poor diet accounts for 45% of deaths in children under the age of 5. Because they don't have access to enough nutritious food, only over three million children per year die each year.

World hunger is a complicated topic. Some believe the issue is solvable. The following are among the World hunger solutions:

  • People can help themselves by supplying food in a healthy way
  • People in developing countries need credit so they can start their own farms. Give people in developing countries access to credit so they can grow their own farms
  • Individuals and businesses are encouraged to support hunger relief organizations by pledging to hunger relief organizations
  • Provide access to education, which is the best defense against poverty and hunger, as the only defense against poverty and hunger is hunger
  • Increased government involvement allows for increased government involvement

According to some experts, the answer to world hunger is much more straightforward. According to them, the best way to end world hunger is to avoid wasting food. Vegetables, cereals,, and starchy roots are among the most wasted foods. These foods are wasted during agricultural production and in postharvest storage. Food waste is driving the desire to produce more food. People go hungry when not enough food is produced.

How to celebrate #worldfoodday

World Food Day is celebrated in over 150 countries. The day is sponsored by 450 national organizations in the United States. Some of these organisations host World Food Day Sunday Dinners as part of their sponsorship. In honor of the day, Des Moines, Iowa, also hosts an annual symposium. Conferences, exhibitions, and media broadcasts are held across Europe, ministries, colleges, universities, and research organizations. In the past, the Pope has sent a special message to food producers and customers.

gricultural fairs, debates, folk dances, films, special ceremonies in the schools, and food box deliveries are among the events in Africa, Asia, and Latin America that include agricultural fairs, debates, folk dances, films, special ceremonies in the schools, and food package deliveries.

The world hunger epidemic can't be solved. You will still help with your role, though. On World Food Day, support your local food pantry. Donate to a world hunger-relief group. In your neighborhood, pay the school lunch bill. If you know of a family in need, anonymously give them a gift card to your local grocery store. Share #WorldFoodDay on social media to raise money.

History of the world food day has influenced the global food day

In 1979, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) established World Food Day at their 20th General Conference. The date of October 16th honors FAO's founding.

Since 1981, the FAO has selected a specific theme for World Food Day. The following themes have been included in the most recent themes:

  • Our Future is Our Future: Our Lives Are Our Future: Our Future is Our Future: Our Future is Our Future: Our Future is Our Future: Healthy Diets for a #ZerOHUNGER World
  • Climate is changing in 2016: The climate is changing. Food and agriculture must coexist, as well
  • 2015: Social security against agriculture: ending the cycle of rural poverty
  • Family Farming in 2014: Feeding the world, caring for the earth