World Environment Day - June 5
Mon Jun 5th

World Environment Day


Every year, World Environment Day, or WED, is celebrated on June 5 in the United States. The day is set aside to raise awareness and action to protect the natural environment. Poaching is a popular pastime that draws attention to environmental issues such as marine pollution, air pollution, deforestation, and wildlife crime.

Each year, WED has a new theme that major corporations, communities, governments, and celebrities endorse to promote environmental causes.

In some countries, one of the day's activities is to play or sing the Earth "Anthem" penned by poet Abhay K to commemorate the day.

Visit the World Environment Day website. To learn more about the day, visit to learn more about the day.

To mark the day, follow #WED, or #Worldenvironmentday on social media to see what others are doing around the world to mark the day.

Plan a tree-planting day in your neighborhood.

A neighborhood cleanup can be organized by a group.


1972 was a pivotal year for the emergence of a movement to sustain and protect the natural environment. The United Nations General Assembly in Sweden gathered in Sweden this year to mobilize the world to address environmental issues. In 1974, the first World Environment Day was held two years later.

Even though WED celebrations have been held annually since 1974, the proposal for rotating the center of these activities by selecting different host countries began in 1987.