World Development Day - October 24
Tue Oct 24th

World Development Information Day

On October 24th, World Development Information Day is annually observed. The day is focused on increasing the dissemination of information and mobilizing public opinion, particularly among young people.

The primary aim of improving information dissemination and mobilizing public opinion is to raise concern about development issues. Once the world is drawn to the challenges of growth, countries around the world are better equipped to solve such problems.

The General Assembly finds that information and communication technologies are essential to solving development challenges. This is especially true in the context of globalization. New solutions to development challenges have the ability to foster economic growth, increase access to information and knowledge, increase social integration, and eliminate poverty.

Global leaders unveiled their 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2016. The 17 long-term development goals include:: The 17 sustainable development goals include::

  • To end poverty
  • To end hunger and increase sustainable agriculture, we need to end hunger and increase sustainable agriculture
  • Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being by ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being
  • Ensure inclusive and quality education is provided
  • Achieve gender parity in the workplace Achieve gender parity. Achieve gender parity
  • Ensure that water and sanitation are available
  • Ensure access to affordable energy
  • Build a resilient infrastructure that can be built
  • Reduce inequality
  • Make all cities inclusive and safe. Make all cities inclusive and safe
  • Ensure healthy consumption of essential oils
  • Combat climate change combat climate change combat climate change
  • Conserve and sustainably use the oceans and marine resources
  • Protect and encourage the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. Protect and encourage sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems
  • Promote peaceful societies and ensure equal access to justice by promoting peaceful societies and ensuring equal rights to justice
  • Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalization of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development's Sustainable Development

To achieve all of these objectives, the UN must continue to develop improved communication and information dissemination. World leaders are hoping that advancements in modern technology will also help to achieve these targets.

How to track #worlddevelopmentinformationday. www.worlddevelopmentinformationdaycom

A variety of events are held throughout the United Nations General Assembly that focus on the challenges of growth and achieving their sustainable development goals. These include educational seminars and conferences. Since the emphasis is on facts, many events are geared toward journalists who work in various media formats.

To participate in World Development Information Day, consider how you can help your community achieve some of the sustainable development goals. Discuss the benefits of getting the word out and getting public opinion to achieve specific goals. Consider how technology and communication advancements can support global growth. #WorldDevelomentInformationDay is a worldwide celebration that takes place on social media. #WorldDevelomentInformationDay is a worldwide celebration.

The history of world development information day is a landmark in the world

In 1972, the United Nations established World Development Information Day. The Assembly decided to schedule the day on United Nations Day in honor of United Nations Day. On October 24th, both days are observed. This is the same date as 1970, when the United Nations Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade was adopted. This is the same date as the UN adopted the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade in 1970.