World Cerebral Palsy Day - October 6
Fri Oct 6th

World Cerebral Palsy Day

Every year, World Cerebral Palsy Day (CP) honors people with cerebral palsy (CP) and their families. The day also shows support for the organisations that are spreading awareness and expressing pride in the accomplishments of those with CP.

cerebral palsy affects over 17 million people in the world. 500,000 children in the United States have CP, making it the most common physical disorder in childhood. This non-progressive neurological disorder is usually the result of a lack of oxygen to the brain either before, during, or shortly after birth. Babies born prematurely are particularly vulnerable to cerebral palsy.

There are several types of cerebral palsy. Some are much more severe than others. Movement is impaired in any form of CP. Language and intelligence are two other areas of growth that could be affected by language and intelligence. For example, one out of four children with CP can't talk; one in four children with CP can't talk; one in two children has an intellectual disability. CP is a multi-lifelong illness for which there is no cure.

Despite the limitations of this disability, children and adults alike achieve a great deal. Here are a few of the celebrities.

  • Lee Ridley (Lost Voice Guy) was named in Britain's Got Talent in 2018 by Comedian Lee Ridley (Lost Voice Guy) and was named in Britain's Got Talent
  • Jhamak Ghimire, a Nepalese writer, writes with her left foot
  • Bonner Paddock became the first person with CP to scale Mount Kilimanjaro without any assistance
  • Roy Frank "RJ" Mitten is an actor on Breaking Bad, and he's an actor on Breaking Bad
  • Dan Keplinger, an influential artist and motivational speaker, is an accomplished performer and motivational speaker

#worldcerebralpalsyday or #worldcpday is a popular way to track #worldcerebralpalsyday or #worldcpday

Various events around the world are held to raise concerns about cerebral palsy. These events are focusing on six key areas: These events are focused on six key areas: six main areas are under intense scrutiny.

  • Public awareness
  • Civil rights
  • Quality of life
  • Medical/therapeutic
  • Education
  • Contribution

Every year, the World Cerebral Palsy Awards honor individuals and organisations that promote the lives of those with CP. Satya Special School in India was a recent winner. Where it's most needed is, the home-based intervention service delivers therapeutic services to where it's most needed.

To participate in World Cerebral Palsy Day, you will become an advocate for people with physical limitations. Volunteering at a hospital or rehabilitation center that treats children with cerebral palsy is a form of cerebral palsy. To help children with physical disabilities, if you're a student or volunteer at school. Find ways to support those with cerebral palsy.

Consider what life would be like if you had CP or some other disability. Treat those with CP how you yourself would like to be handled. If you come into contact with someone with cerebral palsy, simply say hello to them. Just acknowledging that it will brighten their day. Offer to do something extra for them if you know someone with cerebral palsy. #WorldCerebralPalsyDay or #WorldCPDay is a hashtag on social media. Be sure to post this day on social media with #WorldCerebralPalsyDay or #WorldCPDay.

The world cerebral palsy day is the longest in history

The Cerebral Palsy Alliance in Australia and United Cerebral Palsy in the United States established Cerebral Palsy Day in 2012 in Australia and United Cerebral Palsy in the United States. Today, over 450 companies, parent groups, children's hospitals, and universities in over 65 countries support World Cerebral Palsy Day.