World Brain Tumor Day
Every year on June 8th, World Brain Tumor Day raises concerns and informs people about brain tumors. The day also honors those who have been affected by brain tumors.
Over 700,000 people in the United States suffer from brain tumors. In just one year, 84,000 people in the country will be diagnosed with a brain tumor. Brain tumors can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Brain cancer is often described as a malignant tumor. This type of cancer falls into the same category as central nervous system cancers. In one year, 330,000 children and adults were diagnosed with cancer of the central nervous system worldwide, on a global basis. This number continues to rise along with the mortality rate for brain cancer.
Because of the high mortality rate of brain cancer, it is important to know the signs. Early detection is the most important in most cancers. The earlier a brain tumor is found, the simpler it is to treat. Recurrent headaches, seizures, vision loss, memory loss, and paralysis of certain body regions are all typical signs of a brain tumor. Brain tumors are often identified with certain diagnostic procedures, such as a CT scan or MRI, are easy to detect brain tumors.
Grade categorization
Once a malignant brain tumor is identified, it is assigned a specific grade. Here's a look at how these grades are categorized: Here's a look at how these grades are categorized:
- I: The least common form of tumor
- II. Slow-growing tumors that can spread to nearby tissue
- III. The cells are actively reproducing abnormal cells, which grow into nearby brain tissue
- IV: The most malignant form of brain tumor that grows rapidly
Malignant brain tumor therapy often involves radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted drug therapy. It may also be possible to remove the brain tumor or portions of it surgically. Occasionally, a surgeon must remove even benign brain tumors if it is impairing the brain's function.
How to celebrate #worldbraintumorday
A variety of activities for World Brain Tumor Day are held around the world by health organizations and healthcare facilities around the world. Educational seminars, conferences, and fundraisers are among the activities that have been held in these venues. The day also focuses on those with brain tumors. They are encouraged to share their experiences in the hopes of assisting others. People who have lost loved ones due to a brain tumor also find ways to recall and respect them.
To participate:
- Reach out to someone who has lost someone to brain cancer or was diagnosed with a brain tumor
- Donate to an organization that funds brain tumor research
- Educate yourself on the subject of brain tumors, signs, and treatment options
- To raise concerns of brain tumors and brain cancer, wear a grey ribbon
- Jimmy Carter, Scott Hamilton, Sheryl Crow, and Michelle Stafford are among the many people who have survived brain tumors, including Jimmy Carter, Scott Hamilton, Sheryl Crow, and Michelle Stafford
With #WorldBrainTumorDay, spread the word for this day on social media.
The world brain tumor day is the longest in history, according to a world brain tumor day
In the year 2000, the German Brain Tumor Association initiated World Brain Tumor Day.