World Awareness Sarcoidosis Day
Every year on April 13th, World Sarcoidosis Awareness Day draws attention to this inflammatory disease. Many people with this illness are also encouraged to support one another and educate others about living with sarcoidosis.
Although sarcoidosis is a rare condition, thousands of people around the world suffer from it. Around 200,000 Americans have been diagnosed with sarcoidosis in the United States. The disease affects approximately 108,000 people in the United Kingdom. This condition is also known as sarcoid, and it occurs when cells in the body clump together to form small lumps. Granulomas are small lumps of stone. Granulomas usually develop in the lymph glands and lungs. Granulomas can also develop in other areas of the body.
Symptoms of this disease vary depending on which region of the body is affected. In several cases, those with sarcoidosis will have the following signs: In many cases, those with sarcoidosis will have the following signs:
- Fatigue
- Night sweats
- Coughing
- Weight loss
- Fever
- Swollen lymph nodes
If the condition affects the eyes, symptoms such as dryness, redness, and pain are typical. If the granulomas grow in the lungs, they may cause shortness of breath or wheezing. For those people, symptoms go into remission without needing any medication. Some people with sarcoidosis have persistent signs, some of which can be debilitating. There is no cure for this inflammatory disorder. Patients with chronic sarcoidosis may need specific drugs to treat the signs. Physical therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation are both common treatment options. Severe cases of the disease may necessitate an organ transplant.
Learn how to celebrate #worldsarcday #stopsarcoidosis
The Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research encourages people with the disease to host educational activities in their communities on this day. Other events include patient conferences, walk-a-thons, and fundraisers. To help raise concerns of the disease, people should wear purple. Patients with sarcoidosis are encouraged to share their experiences. To do your part, take a selfie of yourself in your favorite purple t-shirt and post it on social media with #WorldSarcDay or #StopSarcoidosis.
History has a day in the world sarcoidosis awareness day
Sarcoidosis Awareness Month was announced in April 2008 by the Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research. In conjunction with the observance of April, the group celebrated World Sarcoidosis Awareness Day eleven years ago. On April 13th, 2019, they hosted the first World Sarcoidosis Awareness Day.