When is?

Weary Willie Day - December 9
Saturday December 9th

When is Weary Willie Day

On December 9th, Weary Willie Day honors the art of clowning and the effects it has on our lives. Emmett Kelly, who was born on this day in 1898, was named for the character made popular by this holiday.

National String Cheese Day | September 20
Wednesday September 20th

When is National String Cheese Day

It's time for America to stand united in favor of our love for String Cheese. Join us on September 20 as we celebrate National String Cheese Day. String Cheese, Snack Cheese, or Cheese Sticks, there's no denying that it's delectable!

Monday January 23rd

When is National Handwriting Day

On January 23rd, National Handwriting Day encourages us to put pen to paper and write out our thoughts. According to the Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association, it is a chance for all to re-explore handwriting's purity and strength.

World Homeless Day - October 10th
Tuesday October 10th

When is World Homeless Day

Every October 10th, World Homeless Day brings people together to find ways to improve the lives of homeless people in their communities. On a local level, it's also a time to draw attention to the homeless's needs.

Sunday November 12th

When is National Chicken Soup For The Soul Day

The Soul Day Soup for the Soul Day honors who you are and how you get there. On November 12th, take time to nourish your soul.

Random Acts of Light Day | June 13
Tuesday June 13th

When is National Random Acts Of Light Day

Oftentimes, it takes just one gentle word or small token to help with the darkness. National Random Acts of Light Day, June 13th, encourages us to bring the light of cancer by surprising someone with an act of kindness.

Antarctica Day - December 1
Friday December 1st

When is Antarctica Day

Antarctica Day, December 1st, commemorates the Antarctic Treaty's centennial. It's also a day to learn more about this chilly and barren continent.

Thursday August 17th

When is National Nonprofit Day

National Nonprofit Day (NND) on August 17th honors nonprofits' goals and positive impacts on communities and the planet.

National Strawberry Sundae Day | July 7
Friday July 7th

When is National Strawberry Sundae Day

It's time to indulge on National Strawberry Sundae Day on July 7th. On this day, Americans combine vanilla or strawberry ice cream, strawberry sauce, fresh strawberries, and whipped cream. Make several strawberry sundaes and share this delectable dish with colleagues and family.

National Scotch Day | July 27
Thursday July 27th

When is National Scotch Day

We find an aged whisky distilled from malted barley on July 27th. Make a toast on National Scotch Day and enjoy a glass with a friend.

Gorgeous Grandma Day | July 23
Sunday July 23rd

When is Gorgeous Grandma Day

Gorgeous Grandma Day honors all women of a certain age, whether they are grandmothers or not.

National Gingerbread Day | June 5
Monday June 5th

When is National Gingerbread Day

It's the season to celebrate National Gingerbread Day.' Although this may seem strange, gingerbread enthusiasts around the country celebrate on June 5th each year by sampling their favorite recipes and gingerbread treats. They're delectable any time of year, whether in the form of bread, cakes, bars, biscuits, or cookies.

National Retro Day - February 27
Monday February 27th

When is National Retro Day

On February 27, National Retro Day brings us right back to a time before smartphones and the internet.

National Applesauce Cake Day | June 6
Tuesday June 6th

When is National Applesauce Cake Day

National Applesauce Cake Day is a celebration that takes place each year on June 6th. This delectable applesauce cake gives the opportunity to share a slice (or two) of a cake that comes in a variety of recipes.

Friday December 1st

When is National Pie Day

On National Pie Day, dessert enthusiasts around the country enjoy a slice of their favorite on December 1st each year. Pie is so delectable that we repeat it twice a year. January 23rd is the most popular date.

National Paul Bunyan Day | June 28
Wednesday June 28th

When is National Paul Bunyan Day

We recall vividly the tales of the big blue ox and a mighty lumberjack on June 28th. It's National Paul Bunyan Day!

Wednesday January 18th

When is National Michigan Day

We recognize each state in the order they entered the union, beginning with Hawaii and ending with Hawaii on Independence Day. We feature a small part of each state's past, foods, and the people who make up the state. There's so much more to discover, we can't help but celebrate our beautiful country even more.

National Leave the Office Early Day | June 2
Friday June 2nd

When is National Leave The Office Early Day

Everyone is sure to enjoy marking National Leave the Office Early Day on their calendar. Observed each year on June 2nd (unless June 2nd falls on a weekend, at which time it will be acknowledged on the nearest working day) is an incentive to many who regularly work more than 40 hours per week.

Monday November 27th

When is National Craft Jerky Day

On November 27th, National Craft Jerky Day recognizes that craft jerky is the measure by which all other jerky is measured. It awakens the taste buds and ignites jerky fans around the world. The day is dedicated to the artisans of this dehydrated, seasoned meat, and snack extraordinaire.

Saturday December 9th

When is National Pastry Day

National Pastry Day in the United States honors one of the world's most popular baked goods. On December 9th, visit your local bakery and pick up one or two of your favorite items.