When is World Reef Awareness Day?

Thursday June 1st

Consumer, companies, and organizations should take action on the fragile ecosystem of our ocean's coral reefs on June 1st, as a call to action for consumers, businesses, and organizations. The day brings together the general public, influencers, and opinion leaders to inspire active change through education and engagement.

World Reef Awareness Day | June 1


Coral reefs are living communities of colonial organisms made of individual polyps that excrete a bone-like skeleton. This skeleton is made up of large rock-like structures that are home to thousands of organisms. This skeleton is a skeleton that is home to thousands of species of insects.

The wellbeing of a reef tells us a lot about the ocean's health. Many fish and ocean animals depend on the safety of a healthy, living reef for spawning season. In addition, the reef provides more than cover; it also supplies a thriving food chain. The reef ecosystem is a vital life support system, from plankton and algae to the largest sea creatures.