When is World Pest Day?

Tuesday June 6th


World Pest Day - June 6

Every June 6th is World Pest Day, or more commonly known as World Pest Awareness Day. The day was designed to raise concerns of how pest control can improve the quality of life for you and your loved ones.

It's estimated that 900-million insects species can be pests. They fall into four main categories based on body types: 1. beetles; 2. flies; 3. moths and butterflies; and 4. ants, bees, and wasps.

People have been trying to get rid of pests for as long as history has records. To keep the bloodsuckers away, cave dwellers may have swatted mosquitoes or used smoke to discourage the bloodsuckers.

People used sulfur compounds to kill mites and insects as far back as 2500 BC.