When is World No Alcohol Day?

Monday October 2nd

World No Alcohol Day, on October 2nd, encourages the general public to say no to alcohol. The day also focuses on alcohol abuses.

World No Alcohol Day - October 2

Alcohol is a fun and relaxing way to socialize with others for many people. Alcohol can help with anxiety. When alcohol is consumed responsibly and in moderation, it usually doesn't cause any significant issues. However, when someone drinks too much alcohol, they become intoxicated, which reduces their physical and mental stability, which reduces their physical and mental stability. This can cause significant injury. Accidents and injuries are often caused by driving while inebriated. Someone who is inebriated may be more likely to assault another individual physically. Many cases of domestic assault occur when one has been drinking alcohol for the past.

Consider these facts from WHO: If you don't think alcohol can be harmful, consider these facts from WHO: If you still don't think alcohol can be harmful.