When is World Jellyfish Day?

Friday November 3rd

World Jellyfish Day, November 3rd, commemorates this invertebrate that has been on Earth for millions of years. The day also encourages us to learn more about these fascinating aquatic animals.

World Jellyfish Day - November 3

Despite its name, the jellyfish isn't really a fish. This is because a fish's anatomy revolves around its spine. On the other hand, a jellyfish, on the other hand, doesn't even have a spine. In fact, jellyfish don't have gills, a brain, heart, bones, or blood. Rather, a jellyfish is made up of 95% water. They also have skin, which helps them absorb oxygen. The jellyfish's body is called a bell by the jellyfish's body. Around this time, a jellyfish swims by contracting and loosening the muscles. Their tentacles are covered in stingers, which shield them from prey.

Jellyfish facts