When is Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day?

Friday December 8th

On December 8th, we will be a Time Traveler Day, or flip open our Omni when wearing clothing from the past. At the same time, we should be appropriately confused by such technologies.

Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day – December 8

For generations, time travel has captured our imaginations. Science and authors keep returning to the subject again and again, so it should be no surprise that there will be a day to pretend to be a time traveler. The original blog post that started the day rolling can be found here. We can explore the diverse variety of television and film shows from the decades for more information on how to be a time traveler or at least act like one.

For example, the original Doctor Who appeared on television for 26 seasons. Some might argue that there is a lot of resource material right there. But, let's not stop, please. We've compiled a list, and some of them may surprise you.


Doctor Who

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