When is Paper Bag Day?

Wednesday July 12th

On Paper Bag Day, we recognize the importance of an invention we take for granted.

Paper Bag Day | July 12


Every day, millions of people use paper bags. Paper bags have been around for many years, and they are made from 100% recycled paper. Francis Wolle, an American entrepreneur, received recognition for his invention of the first paper bag machine in 1852. William Goodale, another paper bag entrepreneur, received his patent on July 12th, 1859. He was supposed to cut the paper so that it was foldable. Margaret E. Knight became known as "the mother of the grocery bag" after she invented the square, flat-bottomed bag, and the machine that would fold and paste them in 1870. Other innovators have been recognized and patents for their inventions of devices that extend the paper bag or manufacture.

Not only does one carry our groceries or lunches in a paper bag, but a surprising number of ways this highly useful product comes in handy.