When is National Whiners Day?

Tuesday December 26th

National Whiners Day on December 26th gives the opportunity to protest about just about everything as the year comes to an end. If you want, you are allowed to complain about being too drained or overeating. Maybe you want to complain about having to return to work or all the housekeeping you have to do. Are the lines long in the return aisle at the supermarket? You should be able to yell about it as well. The possibilities are endless.


However, two key parts of the day's calendar are: However, two key aspects of the day to remember are:

Many people are less fortunate than others. Some are having trouble getting food on the table or a roof over their heads. Some people have no family or friends. Families that don't have a single gift under the tree may simply be grateful to have each other. Some people are fighting disease and illnesses, while others may have struggled with any of these conditions. You may want to whine about something (and today is allowed), but please be grateful for every gift you received and all that you do have. (And please help others if you can).

How to celebrate #nationalwhinersday

Whine about the dishes, the snow, or the laundry. But not for the day, but just for the day. Then pick yourself up and press on. Tackle each problem one by one, one by one. To post on social media, use the hashtag #NationalWhinersDay.