When is National Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day?

Sunday April 16th

Each year, National Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day, gives us a reprieve after meeting a late-night deadline, stumbling receipts, and adding columns to file our taxes.


Although some people regard this day as the year's best holiday, others insist it was created for fun. Wearing pajamas to work creates a laid-back and relaxed atmosphere, particularly for those accountants, tax preparers, and last-minute filers. Wearing pajamas provides a little relief from the nailbiting and strain that comes with filing taxes. For those who pushed the deadline to the limit, the day helps to get rid of the panic and gives a few more minutes of sleep.

Of course, tops and bottoms would be included in Appropriate styles of pajamas. Wear the cosy flannel or snazzy silk. Cotton always breathes so well. Cartoon characters are always amusing. But, be sure to cover your feet, too. Slippers or other footwear are recommended.

#wearyourpajamastoworkday is a hashtag that can be used to track #wearyourpajamastoworkday