When is National Truffle Day?

Tuesday May 2nd

National Truffle Day is a celebration that takes place on May 2nd. The chocolate truffle is on display.


Traditionally, chocolatiers make this sweet confection with a chocolate ganache center coated in chocolate, icing, cocoa powder, chopped nuts, or coconut. They may include other delectable surprises in the truffle. For example, some candy makers include cream, melted chocolate, caramel, nuts, fruit, nougat, nougat, fudge, toffee, mint, marshmallow, or liqueur.

N. Petruccelli of Chambery, France, is thought to be the originator of the chocolate truffle in December 1895. Truffles became much more popular in 1902 in London when the Prestat Chocolate Shop opened in 1902. Prestat also sells "Napoleon III" truffles made to the original recipe.

How to celebrate #nationaltruffleday

This indulgent holiday gives you the opportunity to sample and taste. It's also a good day to give a truffle gift. Even a small box of four truffles makes a wow factor. Is there someone you need to thank? Is there someone you need to thank? Stop by your new chocolate shop and pick up a box or two. Don't forget, Mother's Day is approaching! Truffles are also adored by mothers and mothers-in-law.