When is National Tortellini Day?

Monday February 13th

On National Tortellini Day on February 13th, Pasta enthusiasts will savour a traditional stuffed pasta dish on National Tortellini Day!


Tortellini is a signature dish from Bologna, Italy, where they claim to have created this stuffed pasta packed with flavor. Ravioli, tortellini, and tortellacci are all part of the same family of stuffed pasta. Tortellini's most popular fillings are ham, white meat, and Parmesan cheese.

Members of an association called The Learned Order of the Tortellini in Bologna's city of Bologna wear special hats to their meetings, which are red and gold and shaped like tortellini. They also have a ribbon around their neck that has a gold tortellini hanging on it. The Tortellini's Learned Order has a large support group dedicated to the preservation of the traditional tortellini.

There are several ways to prepare a tortellini dish. You may want to top it with a cheese sauce, cream sauce, pesto, or tomato sauce, or even follow one of the thousands of cooking blogs for a great tortellini dish.

How to celebrate #nationaltortelliniday