When is National Take A Wild Guess Day?

Saturday April 15th

Is it a calculated risk to commemorate National Take A Wild Guess Day each year on April 15th? It could depend on how you view the day. Will you guess how many jelly beans are in a jar? Will you be estimating your taxes? It could be stuffed with hunches and guesses depending on how you spend the day.


Sometimes we're forced to take a guess at what's around the corner as a contestant in the game of life. Our inklings or premonitions may never come to be. However, if the future keeps you up at night worrying about never paying a bill is a good bet that worrying never paid a bill. Another good tip about worrying is that it takes more time and space in your head than it will ever give back to you. But that's just another estimate.

We're being encouraged to try making wild predictions this week. They may be way off or right on target, or right on target. We get better guessing as we go, or we have a natural knack for it right away. It's just a wild guess, no matter what the situation is. Don't take it seriously.

This Wild Guess card game can also be downloaded and printed. See if your family can guess which National Day you drew or if you can stump them.

To post on social media, use the hashtag #TakeAWildGuessDay.