When is National Shut-in Visitation Day?

Saturday February 11th

On February 11th, National Shut-In Visitation Day serves as a reminder to people who are unable to leave their homes. Making a positive difference in someone's life makes a positive difference.


Some people who are shut-in are still in their house due to physical, mental, or emotional reasons. These conditions can cause a person to feel lonely, lonely, sad, and cut off from the rest of the world. They often don't have family and friends available to visit and spend time with them. Many people are lacking any sort of companionship.

We often take for granted our freedom to go outside each day, go to work, eat lunch at a restaurant, work out at the gym, or go on vacation. These are activities that people who are shut-in are not able to experience on any day. A visit to them will brighten their day, and we'll be able to share our experiences with them.

How to celebrate #shutinvisitationday

Visit a person who is shut-in due to injury or sickness and bring a smile to their day. Become a companion. Here are a few things you might do include: Some activities you can do include: Here are some of the activities you can do include: