When is National Shrimp Day?

Wednesday May 10th

National Shrimp Day is held each year on May 10th in honor of America's favorite seafood. Americans eat more shrimp than any other fish, and this is the day to celebrate this delectable seafood.


Any large shrimp, also known as "jumbo shrimp," are often described as "prawn" in a loosening sense. All shrimp are used by some countries. Some countries use the term "prawn" exclusively for all shrimp.

Usually involves removing the head, shell, tail, and "sand vein" when preparing the shrimp for consumption. There are several ways to cook shrimp. Baking, boiling, broiling, sauteing, sauteing, frying, and grilling are all typical preparation methods. Shrimp are delicate, and they are at their best when not overcooked.

Shrimp, a healthy dish, is low in calories and high in omega-3, calcium, iodine, and protein levels. Shrimp is also known to be a circulatory device.

Shrimp Dishes in North America are extremely popular.