When is National Say Something Nice Day?

Thursday June 1st

On National Say Something Nice Day, we have the opportunity to make June 1st more enjoyable for everyone.

Say Something Nice Day | June 1


The aim of this holiday is to combat bullying and the lack of civility and common courtesy that is on the rise among people in today's world. Hopefully, the tradition of saying something nice today will continue into all tomorrows.

Many of us were young, and many of us were told, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." We were taught that this was one of the many reasons our parents taught us that is because we say those words, we can't take them back, no matter how true we believe they are. We all know someone whose true nature iskinder than most. We may even wish we could imitate them more than we do.

Do they give compliments or do they follow this old saying? Well, maybe a little bit of both. However, there are a few other lessons we can learn from generally helpful people. It's more than just saying nice things to others. They truly listen to others and tend to prioritize others over others. It isn't often observed that when they give a compliment. The receiver's sincerity is felt by the receiver.