When is National Repeal Day?

Tuesday December 5th

National Repeal Day in the United States commemorates the day Prohibition came to an end in the United States on December 5th.

National Repeal Day - December 5

Prohibition grew out of a moderation tradition that was rooted in America's Protestant churches. Alcohol use, especially hard spirits, was affecting the nation by the 1830s. The majority of participants were male. Alcohol was seen as the source of all evil among those who supported Temperance. The movement took place at a time when women had no rights and the nation was debating slavery. Ethics and other aspects were shifting. The Temperance movement changed the perception of alcohol use from moderation to eradication.

The Prohibition Party, Women's Christian Temperance Union, and the Anti-Saloon League all existed in the following decades. Tennessee will pass the first law prohibiting the selling of alcohol by 1838. Some new states will enter the union as dry states. The 18th Amendment was ratified in 1919, prohibiting the manufacture, transportation, and selling of alcoholic beverages. However, the law did not prohibit the consumption of such beverages.

Many companies have closed since the 1920 Amendment went into place in 1920. Governments lost tax revenues as a result of the closure of brewers and bars. In addition, the cost of enforcing a prohibition was prohibitive. Many determined to produce, transport, and sell alcohol created a black market that crisscrossed the nation. Their illicit activities became well-known and became a symbol of legend. The stock market crashed in 1929, the first time in 1929.

The "great experiment" by Prohibition was a complete failure. As Prohibition came to an end of its life, the term "bootlegger" would reach its peak usage. On February 20, 1933, Congress approved the 21st Amendment to the Constitution, which was introduced in Congress. The 18th Amendment was repealed and was ratified on December 5th, the year's first amendment.