When is National Religious Freedom Day?

Monday January 16th

Each year, National Religious Freedom Day commemorates the day the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom was signed on January 16, 1786. Each year, by Presidential Proclamation, January 16th is declared Religious Freedom Day.


The First Amendment of the United States Consitution was based on Congressman Fisher Ames' establishment clause in Thomas Jefferson's historic law.

The First Freedom Center in Richmond, Virginia, commemorates this day by hosting an annual First Freedom Award banquet.

The law guarantees the fundamental right to freely practice one's faith without fear of being threatened, jailed, or killed. In addition, each individual may freely change their faith without retribution under the statute. People of various faiths have equal rights to practice their faith in the United States.

Religious persecutions in the world continue to rise. According to Pew study, global demand, legislation, attitudes, and policies have increased in the last decade. According to Pew's report, legislative, hopes, and policies are on the rise in the last decade globally. And those countries that are traditionally considered restrictive are also increasing their limits. When considering countries with the largest percentage of equality, they also show a change in policies and attitudes toward religious liberty. Religious liberty is a global issue, not limited to a national one.