When is National Random Acts Of Kindness Day?

Friday February 17th

National Random Acts of Kindness Day, which takes place each year on February 17th, is on the rise. Individuals, groups, and organizations around the country are encouraged to encourage acts of kindness.


People are inspired every day by Random Acts of Kindness' movement. People from all around the world are enjoying these acts of kindness as a favorite holiday for many. Not only do the acts of kindness bring joy to the receiver, but they also give the giver positive feedback!

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is the recipient of Random Acts of Kindness Week, according to our study. The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is a worldwide recognized non-profit group founded on the strength of kindness and committed to providing assistance and assistance to promote acts of kindness.

Random Acts of Kindness Day is celebrated in New Zealand, where this day is based, on September 1st. However, it is also recognized by some on other days of the year. Nonetheless, doing random acts of kindness is something that can be done every day of the year.

A few quotes of kindness: A few quotes from Kindness: A Few Quotes of Kindness: A Few Quotes of Kindness:

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