When is National Peach Ice Cream Day?
Monday July 17thWith a few scoops at the peak of peach season, the day is sweetened by the National Peach Ice Cream Day on July 17th.
This is just in time since peaches are peaking in July. It also falls right in the middle of National Ice Cream Month. So, now is a great time to add peach ice cream to the growing list of flavors to choose from when it comes to frozen, creamy treats.
There are two main peaches – freestone and clingstone – in general speaking. The difference has to do with whether the flesh comes out of the stone or the pit in the middle of the peach. The peach is a freestone peach when the meat falls free from the stone; if the flesh clings to it, it is a clingstone.
Although Georgia may be the first state to come to mind when we think of peaches, California actually leads the nation in production. Peaches are grown in the United States by 20 states. South Carolina and New Jersey are the other top producers outside of California and Georgia. Peaches in Pennsylvania and Washington also grow a lot of peaches.