When is National Moon Day?

Thursday July 20th

On July 20th, the day man first walked on the moon in 1969 was commemorated on the moon's National Moon Day. The moon landing was described as the single greatest technological achievement of all time, NASA said of it.

National Moon Day | July 20


The first humans to the moon were carried by Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969. American Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface six hours after landing on the moon. He spent two and a half hours outside the spacecraft. Buzz Aldrin followed shortly, stepping onto the lunar surface shortly. The two men collected 47.5 pounds of lunar dust after joining Armstrong. Their specimens will return to Earth to be analyzed.

A third explorer waited in the command module. Michael Collins, the pilot, remained alone in orbit until Armstrong and Aldrin returned.

Millions of Americans watched the mission from Earth, with one man caught up in the excitement of the adventure. Televisions around the world have been tuned in to the live broadcasts. The astronauts attracted a worldwide audience. Armstrong stepped onto the moon's surface and described the event as "one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind," as a result.