When is National Microwave Oven Day?

Wednesday December 6th

National Microwave Oven Day, December 6th, honors one appliance that changed how we use the kitchen.


Percy Spencer, a self-taught American engineer, discovered a way to heat food safely with microwaves, rather by chance. He noticed a melting chocolate bar in his pocket while working with an active radar in 1945. The high-powered microwave beams created a heating effect that was suitable for cooking. Spencer purposefully tried to cook popcorn with the microwaves. He tried cooking an egg the next time. Both the popcorn and the egg had dramatic results. Unlike the egg, the popcorn was a hit, but not the egg. The egg exploded in his fellow engineer's face. However, we can also fry eggs in microwave ovens. Try poaching one.

Spencer, a Raytheon employee, continued to experiment with new ways of heating food safely with microwaves.