When is National Maritime Day?
Monday May 22ndThe launching of the maritime industry in the United States each year on May 22nd is commemorated. National Maritime Day is held each year on May 22nd. The event also honors America's Merchant Marines for their service and sacrifice for our country. Ships and seafarers that have occupied a prominent position in our nation's history are given special recognition.
The time-honored traditions of the country's oldest industries make up a full and rich history. The people our maritime nation depends on are recognized by celebrations and ceremonies around the world. Each year, the Department of Transportation holds a national celebration in Washington, D.C., at the Department of Transportation headquarters.
Although the holiday honors a transatlantic event, the maritime industry in the United States encompasses virtually every state in the country, with ships transporting vessels on lakes, rivers, and oceans. Employment opportunities aren't restricted to shipyards either. To name a few, the maritime industry also needs people with expertise in fishing, aquaculture, processing, diving, and transportation.