When is National Kids And Pets Day?

Wednesday April 26th

On April 26th, National Kids and Pets Day raises the importance of choosing the right pet for children at the right time. It's a critical decision that may result in a lifetime of pet and child bonding.


The day also commemorates the friendships that children and pets can share, as well as a day to remember safety when our pets and children are concerned. Having a pet in a child's life has many benefits. Pets have a lifelong effect on a child's growth, from nurturing natural nurturing skills to learning responsibilities.

Small children as well as the pets may not know their limitations and should not be left alone with each other, and it is also important to remember that small children and the pets may not know their limits and should not be left alone. Both the child and the animal should always be trained to avoid injury to both the child and the animal.

Even though dogs and cats are two of the country's most popular pets, pet homelessness is a significant problem. In the United States, there are about 70 million stray animals. These animals, up to 8 million, end up in shelters. There are 3,500 animal shelters in the United States. Pets get a second chance at these animal shelters. According to the ASPCA, over 3 million shelter animals are adopted each year.

No matter the breed, size, or demeanor of the human, or canine, the shelter will take the time to find the right home for their animals. They plan visits and have policies in place to encourage healthy adoptions for families and individuals. Although some dogs have suffered injury or illness, the shelters work with veterinarians to heal the animals before making them available for adoption.