When is National K9 Veterans Day?

Monday March 13th

National K9 Veterans Day and the dedicated K9 units who have served since World War II are commemorated on March 13th.


Since the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, a lot of things have changed. We rationed oil, leather, and rubber. Drafted men are sent by the military draft to serve. Women rolled up their sleeves and ordered war equipment.

And dogs were called to service. The United States took note of the European use of canines as sentries, messenger carriers, and other duties during the first world war.

Mrs. Alene Erlanger, a private citizen, founded a program called Dogs for Defense. The group set out to prepare the dogs for military use alongside the American Kennel Club and a select group of breeders.

The military had the first Dogs for Defense in North Africa by November of 1942. Although they were gun shy at first, they were soon to be well prepared.