When is National Grief Awareness Day?

Wednesday August 30th

National Grief Awareness Day, on August 30, acknowledges that recovery takes time, not a prescribed course, and is a reminder that closure comes in many forms. Everyone is affected differently when a loved one dies.

National Grief Awareness Day | August 30


Throughout the day, take stock of those people in your life who have been affected by a certain loss. The death of a loved one, a close friend, or someone who has undergone a drastic change in their lifestyle can cause sadness. We suffer a form of loss that necessitates closure when we lose the stability of shelter, a career, or a routine we have known for years. Some people adjust to these changes quickly, while others take time to become familiar with new routines.

Offer to listen to a friend or invite them to join you for a cup of coffee or tea. Send a note to them that they are never far from your thoughts. Then, the hotel, had a date for another visit. Know that it's normal if you're suffering from grief. You are not alone, and it's okay to ask for assistance if your sadness is overwhelming.