When is National Eat A Red Apple Day?

Friday December 1st

Everyone is encouraged to eat a red apple on December 1st, National Eat a Red Apple Day. A day keeps the doctor away, the adage says, and today is a good time to test that theory.

National Eat a Red Apple Day – December 1

An apple is both delectable and nutritious. Apples are widely available, with over 7,500 varieties of apples and over 7.5% of the world's production coming from the United States.

It's a close call when it comes to a difference in health benefits between red and green apples. Both have their advantages. In terms of fiber content, green apples edged out the red apple barely. They also have less sugar and carbohydrates, which is also reduced. However, red apples tend to be more flavorful when eaten fresh. They're already sweet and don't need no added sugar, and they don't need to be added sugar. The red apple barely edges out the green in antioxidants, just edges out the green.

The majority of green apples are reserved for baking and preserves. Since most green apples are tart, the added sugar in recipes gives a more pleasant flavor for eating.

How to celebrate #eataredappleday on a #eataredappleday