When is National Ding-a-ling Day?
Tuesday December 12thOn December 12th, National Ding-a-Ling Day, encouraging us to reconnect with people we once talked to regularly.
On this day, Ding-a-Lings calls the people they haven't heard from in a while. It could be an old classmate, co-worker, or a neighbor from years ago. Or perhaps a call will go out to the child who used to mow the grass during the summer. How about the couple who pooled for soccer? What was their name? Many people fall out of our lives and would like to hear you's ding-a-ling of a call. Why don't you join the Ding-a-ling club and call someone this year?
How to celebrate #dingalingday
Call someone you haven't heard from in a long time and use #DingALingDay to post on social media.