When is National Craft Jerky Day?

Monday November 27th

On November 27th, National Craft Jerky Day recognizes that craft jerky is the measure by which all other jerky is measured. It awakens the taste buds and ignites jerky fans around the world. The day is dedicated to the artisans of this dehydrated, seasoned meat, and snack extraordinaire.


In a world marred by jerky marketing gimmicks, there are those who satisfy the world's craving for original carnivorous creations in a world secluded by jerky marketing gimmicks. Many who pioneered their own path in the meat industry are honored on National Craft Jerky Day.

For those, jerky making is a tradition. The meat reignales the world with a tale of family, dedication, passion, and, in simple terms, hunger. The flavors are based on recipes that have been passed down through generations, from hunters, farmers, families, and old friends. They come alive when making spices and grilling a slew of woods, unlocking the natural flavors embedded in the dried meat. Quality meat and small batch production also beget unique, original recipes that are often inspired by regional fare and flair.

The amount of flavor you experience today will leave a lasting impression on your taste buds for the casual jerky fan. And, it will forever change your jerky tastes. National Craft Jerky Day honors you and your contribution to the craft for those artisans who wish to pass on their traditions beyond family and friends.

How to celebrate #nationalcraftjerkyday

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