When is National Common Courtesy Day?

Tuesday March 21st

On March 21st, National Common Courtesy Day serves as a reminder of the behavior that has caused society to devolve into a sea of madness. In addition,, the day reminds us how important common courtesy is in our lives and gives us examples to help us improve.


courtesy is defined as: behavior characterized by polished manners or admiration for others in the Merriam-word dictionary: courteous and courteous behavior b: a courteous and courteous act or expression.

When asking for and receiving a service, gift, or assistance, common courtesy can be as simple as saying "please" and "thank you." Kindness and courtesy go a long way and are noticed by others even if you don't know it. It's simple to let someone in front of you in traffic. Hold open a door for someone or give a person a hand with his groceries. Give up your seat on the bus to someone who might need it. Introduce yourself or your children at school and take the time to introduce them to the rest of the crew.

These examples show how you can infuse courtesy into your life. Momentary deeds of courtesy may be incremental, but they may make a huge difference in someone's life.

#commoncourtesyday is a holiday that honors all humanity. how to celebrate #commoncourtesyday on a #commoncourtesyday