When is National Cinnamon Day?

Wednesday November 1st

With National Cinnamon Day on November 1st, the holiday season begins as the holiday season heats up. It's the spice that ushers in a season while also being versatile all year round.

National Cinnamon Day - November 1

What other spice flavors the holidays than cinnamon? Of course, cinnamon's quintessential warmth in our homes is matched by no other. Cinnamon sticks to childhood memories of holidays with family and friends for generations. It sweetens apple pies and is the base for pumpkin spice. It kisses the snickerdoodle with just a touch. On chilly evenings in frothy beverages, we raise a toast with it. Our bounty is held all season long, and cinnamon preserves our bounty.

Our memories of the holidays include hot, cold, savory, and sweet cinnamon. In fact, cinnamon was the most commonly purchased holiday spice in 2018, according to IRI results. It's the ultimate spice to make gifts and bring cheer to the home. How will you use cinnamon this season?

How to celebrate #nationalcinnamonday

Share your favorite cinnamon recipes and memories. As you bake up those special cinnamon recipes, invite the family to join you. Create new traditions and discover the new ways to use cinnamon in your house and in your cooking, as well. Cinnamon is so delicious, and it's also great for us. Add ground cinnamon to your morning coffee grounds or cinnamon and sugar to your toast. Cinnamon makes life so much better. Your guests will be welcomed home no matter how you use it, from the scent to the taste.