When is National Chocolate Eclair Day?

Thursday June 22nd

On June 22nd annually, the National Chocolate Eclair Day honors a delectable cream-filled pastry coated in smooth chocolate.

National Chocolate Eclair Day | June 22


Pastry is a product of the past. Check out the check. Cream filling. Check out the check. Chocolate. Check out the check. What more could you want in a food holiday? Well, maybe a cup of coffee to go with it, but other than that, do you really need anything else?

Well, we know that the French make many delicacies from dough. These particular pastries are made from a dough called pate a choux. The Eclair is one of these pastries, and it is one of these pastries. Using a pastry bag, they turned it into an oblong shape. The eclair is both light and crispy on the outside and hollow on the inside, making it the ultimate route for transporting creamy vanilla or chocolate creme.

The word eclair comes from the French word "flash of lightning." The word and this French pastry's relationship is vague.