When is National Cheese Lover's Day?

Friday January 20th

Don't be afraid, throw a feta, or act capriciously on National Cheese Lover's Day. The gouda day is a gouda day to kummin over and have some cheddar or asiago or fontina!


There is no concrete evidence of how humans invented cheese making. However, the legend tells us that it was likely that someone made the first cheese by chance. Thousands of years ago, people imported milk and stored it in sheep's stomachs. The proteins would separate into curds and whey if left to sit a few days. From there, preserving the solids with salt may have been the most logical next step. Salt was a highly valued preservative in ancient times.

Cheese making is believed to have existed in what is now Poland for the first time. Today there are over 1,400 varieties of cheese.

Basic cheese making

The basic principles behind making cheese are fairly straightforward. Let the milk sour (or scientifically, coagulating the casein protein). arated from the whey (liquid) by then. The curds are then salted and left to age.