When is National Camera Day?

Thursday June 29th

Every year, when we celebrate National Camera Day, we bring everything into focus on June 29th. Photographs, the camera, and their invention are among the day's commemorated photographs. A camera is an irreplaceable device used to capture and replicate memories, events, and people/places. A painting was the only way to record a vision before the camera was invented. Capturing an image of a person or place in a drawing took time and patience. Very few people can accurately portray someone's likeness, let alone capture the essence of an event.

National Camera Day | June 29


Many people were looking for a simple, inexpensive, and fast solution because of the strength of a camera. The camera was brought to the masses by George Eastman, also known as "The Father of Photography," who also known as "The Father of Photography." Although he did not invent the camera, he did make several improvements to the use, ease, and manufacturing of the camera. The camera was widely available to households around the world thanks to his innovations.

Although the first cameras were large and bulky, each subsequent model improved until some cameras were as small as a pen. Today's digital cameras have many functions and variations, making them available to people of all ages for personal and professional use. We can not only snap photos with ease, but we can also edit them on the fly. The portable and easy-to-use features not only enable us to snap photos quickly, but also edit them on the fly. Smartphones with built-in cameras have features that enable us to post photos right away, as well.

Photographing has never been so straightforward. According to Business Insider, we took over 1.2 trillion digital photos in 2017! Cameras have evolved from a large boxy camera to one that fits in our pocket.