When is National California Strawberry Day?

Tuesday March 21st

National California Strawberry Day marks the strawberry season in California as part of National Nutrition Month. The annual festival, which is usually the first full day of spring, takes place on March 21st. It's the perfect time to refresh our senses and get excited about fresh fruit dishes.


Strawberries are the fruit of paradise speckled with a dash of sun and whimsy. With double scoop strawberry ice cream cones, their vibrant red dimpled fruit inspires picnics. Of course, as the season heats up, the ice creams will drip down our chins, but it is a good price to pay for a delectable crop of these dazzling and beautiful berries. The juices leave a smearing mark on sweet toddlers and sweethearts alike's lips.

Strawberry strawberries are also low in calories, with no fat and no cholesterol as you celebrate the kiss of summer.

How to celebrate #californiastrawberryday