When is National Buy A Musical Instrument Day?

Monday May 22nd

National Buy a Musical Instrument Day is held each year on May 22nd. Playing music is all about having fun today. If you are a guitarist, it may be time for a new one. Perhaps you'll learn to play a second or third one. This celebration may be the spark you need if you've never played an instrument before.

Buy a Musical Instrument Day | May 22


Step into any music store and the individual behind the counter will be raving about the instruments. It will not matter if the instrument is brass, strung, percussion, or a woodwind. Their enthusiasm for any patron's interest in music will be evident. And a musical instrument will bring joy to your life, no matter how old you are. String together a few notes on a keyboard or take some music lessons, or take some music lessons. Add a new instrument to your repertoire.

National Buy A Musical Instrument Day also reminds you that playing music has countless health benefits.