When is National Beverage Day?

Saturday May 6th

## National beverage day is celebrated on national beverage day.


On May 6th, National Beverage Day encourages us to relax, relax, and enjoy our favorite beverages.

Beverages come in a variety of forms. And if you like a hot beverage or a cold one, the choice is yours. Serve up a caffeinated drink pouring over ice. As the situation may be, make it carbonated or mix it up as a cocktail or a mocktail. Beverages can be freshly squeezed, frozen, blended, or creamy. They can also be sweet, sour, bitter, smooth, or dry.

How to celebrate #nationalbeverageday

While enjoying your delectable beverage, observe National Beverage Day by singing to a "beverage" inspired song. A few of our favorites have been compiled: We've compiled a list of our favorites: We've compiled a list of our favorites: