When is National Beer Day?

Friday April 7th

On April 7th annually, the world's most commonly consumed alcoholic beverage honors the world's most popular alcoholic beverage. It is the third most popular drink overall, after water and tea.


When cereal was first farmed, one of the world's oldest prepared beverages, beer possibly dates back to 9500 BC. It is also recorded in ancient Egypt and ancient Egypt's written history.

In your glass, there may be a porter or a Belgian. If yours is fermented or not, dark or pale, hoppy, bitter, smooth, or smooth, raise your mug. Many around the world are lifting it to the top of the world's best beer-brewing program in your local area, thanking those who work to craft delectable beer in your local area. And, as usual, beer enthusiasts have more options than ever before. The craft beer industry continues to push the classics, offering a large variety of options. New beer drinkers are enjoying the club every day thanks to these opportunities.

How to celebrate #nationalbeerday