When is National Applesauce Cake Day?

Tuesday June 6th

National Applesauce Cake Day is a celebration that takes place each year on June 6th. This delectable applesauce cake gives the opportunity to share a slice (or two) of a cake that comes in a variety of recipes.

National Applesauce Cake Day | June 6


Making this cake a crowd-pleaser, as well as mixing in spices, nuts, or dried fruit makes this cake a crowd-pleaser. There are only a few spices to choose from, including cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice. For some crunch, you may also like to add pecans or walnuts. Raisins or chopped apples add a touch of natural sweetness and texture to this cake. Some bakers use made applesauce, but store-bought will do, too.

Applesauce can be substituted for the butter or oil in any cake recipe, making it a healthier alternative. In some baking recipes for those with egg allergies, one-half cup of applesauce may be substituted for one egg.